【同义词辨析】 2020-02-17 阻碍hinder-block
hinder: stresses harmful or annoying delay or interference with progress: the rain ~ed our climbing.
impede: implies making forward progress difficult by clogging, hampering, or fettering: tight clothing ~d my movement. (hamper,clog,fetter都表示阻碍阻挡,hamper泛指阻碍阻挡,clog表示"异物"阻塞使速度变慢,fetter强调使不能行动。三个词都在180622 阻碍一组中,该组中还有shackle,manacle表示"完全"阻碍阻挡,trammel表示用"网"阻碍阻挡)
obstruct: implies interfering with something in motion or in progress by the often intentional placing of obstacles in the way: the view was ~ed by billboards. 广告牌 "挡"有两个意思,1、阻碍阻拦 2、遮掩遮挡,如本例中广告牌是被遮挡 这个词常表示遮挡或妨碍公务,如you can't park here, you're obstructing my driveway你不能在这里停车,你挡住了我家的车道,如they were charged with obstructing the police in the course of their duty他们被指控妨碍警察执行公务
block: implies the complete obstructing of passage or progress : boulders ~ed the road.
hinder阻碍: 表示烦人地干扰妨害他人前进,impede阻碍: 表示由于阻碍阻挡使前进变得困难,obstruct阻挡: 表示故意设置障碍,干扰他人前进,block完全阻挡: 指完全阻挡,不能前进通行
记忆方法: 1)首字母HIOB中HB想成湖北IO想成出入<==阻碍 "阻"从阜从且(jǔ),且是声旁。"阜"指"土山","且"意为"加力"。阜与且联合起来表示"需要加一把力才能翻越的土山",即本义是"障碍物",引申为"险要的地方",做动词时表示"拦住挡住",如阻力阻隔阻断梗阻劝阻阻击道阻且长 "碍",从石疑声,本义是"阻挡",如障碍阻碍,引申为"让人不方便",如碍事碍手碍脚,碍于情面表示难为情怕伤情面 "妨"的意思是"阻碍或伤害",<说文>: "妨,害也,一曰碍也",如妨碍妨害无妨不妨何
2)阻碍的意思是干扰行动进步mean to interfere with the activity or progress of.